Spring Break Registration Open
Spring programs will run April till mid June. Registration opens Feb 15.
1. FUN: goofy games, friendships and free play.
2. OVERALL HEALTH: Nature time is essential for physical and mental wellbeing.
3. RELATIONSHIP BUILDING: Most kids come back every year to our community of Elders, guest teachers and teen alumni mentors.
4. EDUCATION: Real outdoor survival skills as well as the creative arts, taught in an engaging way.
5. SAFETY: High physical and emotional safety standard.
6. TEACHERS: Caring and knowledgeable staff and small group sizes.
We would like to acknowledge that we live and work on the traditional, ancestral and unceded tmxʷulaʔxʷ (homeland) of the Sinixt Peoples. We feel privileged and grateful to be here and honour the ongoing presence of Sinixt on this land. We are mindful of how we carry ourselves, so as to demonstrate our intentions to honour this land, water, and all beings.
We are thankful for our ancestors, our teachers, the families and staff that create our programs. We aim to honour this place by minimize our footprint and contribute as stewards to land regeneration.
The Forest Path follows an approach called COYOTE MENTORING: not only nature education or outdoor recreation, but mostly deep connection modeling. This is inspired by First Nations’ parenting and how kids were raised during 90% of human history. Read more research on that on the EVOLVED NEST.